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Bukhara – construction plans for the coming years

After the visit of the President of Uzbekistan to Bukhara, a decision was taken on a significant restructuring of the streets, for a more modern and comfortable appearance of the city. The street of Islam Karimov, will be updated with the construction of modern buildings, and also works will be carried out to improve the streets, in order to correspond adequately to the name of the first president.

On the street I. Karimov is planned to build a large universal sports complex. The sports complex is designed for holding both republican and international competitions and tournaments in 15 sports.

Changes are also planned on the streets of Bahovuddin Naqshbandi, Navoi, Gijduvan, Ibn Sino. On these streets until 2021 will be built comfortable houses in 5-7 floors.

In the sphere of tourism and revival of historical values ​​of Bukhara, renewal is also expected. The responsible organizations are instructed to ennoble the historical part of the city, and are also instructed to create all possible conditions for the demonstration of folk craft and national traditions. It is planned to build a quarter of artisans

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